A wise man once said that nothing feels as good as playing a great game and while this might be completely made up we’re pretty sure not many things come close. That’s exactly the reason we decided to jump over The Pond once more and visit the great city of Boston for PAX East where we will be joined by two amazing teams – Gamepires and Binx Interactive – who are going to showcase their amazing projects.
You have undoubtedly heard about Gamepires. For the past two years, Gamepires have been working on developing the ultimate open-world survival game that will evolve the genre with its unprecedented levels of character customization and progress. That game is, of course, SCUM. The game has been talked about a lot, but it has never been showcased publicly, and that’s exactly why you should book your PAX East tickets right now.
SCUM will be available to play at the amazing custom made booth made in collaboration between Gamepires and Devolver Digital, so be sure to look for it on the show floor and give it a try. We know you’ll love it. Also, if you’re one of those cool content creator folk, be sure to drop a line to tinsley[at]tinsley-pr[dot]com to arrange an appointment and get a chance to chat to the developers.
Along with SCUM, PAX East will be enriched by the presence of Binx Interactive, a five-man part of the Croteam Incubator, who will be showcasing their “shoot-em-down” game I Hate Running Backwards. This gem of a game was last shown at Gamescom 2017 and Reboot InfoGamer 2017 but has evolved beyond expectation. That makes it a perfect fit for PAX East where you will be able to get hands-on and even play with some of the developers.
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