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2nd milestone winners announced!

The Talos Principle community is growing quickly! In less than a week our numbers doubled from 6,000 to 12,000 members! Congrats to all!

Out of first 12,000 members, we have chosen random 30 Steam IDs, and gave away 20 various Serious Sam games and 10 Luftrausers game keys.

This time we had to use bigger guns, so we had to improve our Analog Winner Generator ™ – check it out!


Let’s cut to the chase, winners are:


Makintia, redphx, snake699, nut4214, AUScythe, Black, Cont120616, fernandojrd, gking798, Hell MacGee

Serious Sam Complete Pack (all Serious Sam games ever released!)
Twilight_Nite, zNob, `Alouette, fabio.l.santana

Serious Sam 3 BFE
Infiniter3492, KiMi_도레미, mattzx97, Patrick Bateman

Serious Sam 2
tigersjaw, {FanCall}Javi, 2xenonite3, Anghelitus

Serious Sam HD The First Encounter
Blue Wolf, Diorama, hell raised christ, Kob Maimetr

Serious Sam HD The Second Encounter
Mc_Diomedes, Omega Zero, ReBoot, Tahel

We congratulate the winners! Expect to be contacted soon through your Steam profiles to receive your prizes.

All of you who weren’t lucky this time, don’t despair, you still have a chance to win games when we reach next milestone. You can help us reach next milestone in many ways, for example by inviting your friends to The Talos Principle official Steam group, sharing group announcements, posting about game and/or giveaway in activity feed, etc

Big thanks to all who participated! We are very thankful for your help!

Next milestone 25,000 members! Bigger we are, faster we grow! Let’s do it!

About Disciples of The Talos Principle: Community Game Giveaway

Day 1 after release of the Public Test – Top 10 comments from YOU!

Instead of sharing what press has to say about our freshly released Public Test, we decided to post collection of top ten quotes from you, true gamers, and show the world what players have to say about The Talos Principle!

“Like Portal? Or Antichamber, or The Swapper or other Puzzle-Games like those? If your answer is yes, then you must try this. Thank me later.”

“Wow, this game is surprisingly fun. Challenging puzzles, beautiful atmosphere, hidden stars, hidden door at the end. This test was a blast. Do yourself a favor and get it now, I had a great 2 hour experience.”

“This game could win Puzzle GOTY easily.”

“Not only does the story seem interesting, the game looks beautiful, sounds beautiful, the puzzles are are fun and most important of all the game runs great!”

“This was probably the most breathtaking game I have ever played. And it was just the demo. If your PC can run it, Play it. Now.”

“This is why I still have faith in the gaming industry. Definitely a must buy!”

“It involves castles and laser beams. BUY NOW! it also has a picture of an Android holding a kitten. SOLD.”


“Great puzzle game! I loved being dropped into an open world where there is no tutorial and I just had to figure things out.”

“So far this game is extremely impressive and beautiful! I can see it being a big hit once full released.”

And here are three more honorable mentions!

“I never expected a game to be so clever on so many levels.”

“The public test is a good glimpse into what the entire game could hold.”

“Finally, a game I really look forward to seeing released. Philosophical questions plus awesome puzzles, and also collectables. Couldn’t ask for more.”

In case you are still wondering should you try the Public Test for yourself, we’ll take the liberty of repeating quote nr. 2 – Do yourself a favor and get it now!


The Talos Principle Public test announced

We have more exciting news for you – now that the release date is set, and you can preorder our game, we’d like you to personally test Talos and see what’s all the fuss about. Our public test will be released on Nov 6th and is meant to serve as additional stress and compatibility testing before The Talos Principle launches later this year. Watch this space for updates.


Mr. Bot

Meet Bot. Really, we call him Bot. Nothing too innovative here, just – Bot. As simple as that.

Bot works very hard. When other Croteamers go to sleep, Bot is still in the office, making sure game runs smoothly and that it can be finished. Bot is also first one to notice if we introduced any bugs to our latest build. He will not hesitate to point to us our mistakes. He’ll even write it down directly into our bug reporting software. And since he is very professional, if he thinks problem requires special attention, he’ll even attach a screenshot!

Since his work is truly remarkable, we asked him if he wants a raise but he told us he’s fine. His biggest reward, in his words, is seeing The Talos Principle running smoothly and glitch-free!

To find out more about our friend Bot, head over to VentureBeat interview

talos_2 TalosPrinciple_0007



The Talos Principle release date announced

The news that you’ve all been waiting for – The Talos Principle will be released on December 11th via Steam on PC, Mac and Linux. PlayStation 4 version will follow in early 2015, as well as Android version. The game will be available for preorder later today, with 10% off the purchase price, and if you preorder you’ll also get giftable copy of Serious Sam 3: BFE!




1st milestone winners announced!

Wow! That was fast! In less than three days Talos community doubled from 3,000 to 6,000 members! Congrats to all!

And now as promised, it’s time to award game keys. After our software RWG (random winner generator) failed, we decided to develop its analog counterpart for choosing winners, and you can check how it went here

Without further ado, winners are:

Gruwer, Hagev, Japon, Tsubasana, YumYumYum, ElTomba, Aku, Bigsamfan, Asaliath, CZLighter

Serious Sam Complete Pack
graylox, Silviu20a

Serious Sam 3 BFE
VOITAG3, PansyOverhill

Serious Sam 2
HardVacuum, WhyN0t

Serious Sam HD The First Encounter
Azedrod, xxATLASxx

Serious Sam HD The Second Encounter
ozanzz, Rengenku

Winners will be contacted soon through their Steam accounts. All of you who weren’t lucky this time, don’t despair, you still have a chance to win games when we reach next milestone. You can help us grow to the next milestone in many ways by inviting your friends to The Talos Principle official Steam group, sharing group announcements, posting about game and/or giveaway in activity feed, etc.

Big thanks to all who participated, we are very thankful for your help! Next milestone 12,000 members – see you there!




About Disciples of The Talos Principle: Community Game Giveaway

The Disciples of The Talos Principle: 1st milestone surprise game revealed!

Due to your overwhelming support in just two short days we got very close to reaching 1st milestone in our Community Game Giveaway, so we figured it was about time to reveal surprise game that we will give to you once 1st milestone is reached.

And the game is…  OlliOlli


That’s right! We will award 10 Steam keys for this ultra-cool indie game to randomly chosen members of our group, once the membership number grows over 6,000. In addition we will throw at you 10 keys for various Serious Sam games! So stay tuned and good luck!





Disciples of Talos community game giveaway

Our fellow fans, gamers and friends!

We would like to invite you to join official Talos Principle group and become one of our precious Disciples. Each and every one of you who joins official group page will automatically enter the giveaway contest, where we’ll award randomly chosen group members with various Steam game keys, once the milestones are reached.


For the details of giveaway, head over here!

