Hey everyone!
Over the past couple of months, you have seen us periodically talk about our co-production effort with the legendary strategy masterminds from 2×2 Games, Unity of Command II. Other than a few streams and trailers that showcased the gameplay it was all talk so far, but as Mr. Dylan would say – times, they are a-changin’.
We’re super happy today to announce that the development of Unity of Command II is all but finished, and the game is slated for November 2019 release on Steam. Before 2×2 Games launches the game, they are looking for a brand new batch of beta testers to join the wargaming fun in an upcoming closed-beta due to start on October 21st.
To sign up for a chance to participate, get more info on the beta, and check out a brand new dev-diary, please go to unityofcommand.net.
The private beta will be available Windows via Steam and will include single-player and hot-seat multiplayer modes.
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