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SSVR: The Last Hope Lead Designer, Davor Hunski, Recaps Early Access – Part 2

Read the first part of the blog here.

Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope was released just two weeks ago on Steam and Oculus store and quickly became one of the must-have VR titles. While everybody at Croteam VR is thrilled with the reception and continues to work on updates, Davor Hunski remembers there was a time in the development of the game that felt somewhat… less rewarding. 

Back in April, Croteam VR was making great progress. Planets Shaanti and Valtos were already released, each with four different levels and a unique boss fight, and the team just started the work on Arcadia Minor that would bring the total number of planets in the game to five. It was at Reboot Develop conference that the team suffered its greatest setback.

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SSVR: The Last Hope Gets a Release Date as Lead Designer, Davor Hunski, Recaps Early Access – Part 1

“It was love at first sight,” Hunski says, describing the first time he tried on a VR headset. “I knew I wanted to make a VR game right there and then. Of course, the rest of the team needed convincing and that wasn’t a small task. The technology was new, the install base almost non-existent and it was obvious right from the start that we won’t be making any money from VR games anytime soon.”

Luckily for Hunski (and more importantly, for an ever-growing legion of VR enthusiasts) it never was about money at Croteam. It was about creating awesome games, having fun in the process and doing what we love. So the decision was made and Croteam VR was formed. A small studio inside a studio, staffed with VR aficionados and led by Hunski, went about sending Sam on a planet-hopping, gun-totting adventure that became SSVR: The Last Hope.

“I can’t wait for people to try the finished game next week! It was our first Early Access title and we’re so proud of our small baby duckling turning into a beautiful, giant, bloody, armed-to-the-teeth swan with flaming eyes!” Hunski says, “And our community had no small part in this, it was truly amazing having this kind of positive energy and feedback to help us push on.”

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