License Verification Diagnostics

If you’re on this page, chances are you are having issues verifying your license for one of our games.

We’ll do our best to fix this, but first, we need you to download the license verification diagnostics tool by clicking on the shiny download button below and help us help you.

       DOWNLOAD THE TOOL        

To use the tool, please go ahead and run the file – it’s a self-extracting archive – and then go to the newly created folder. There you will find a file named CTLV_diag.cmd. Please run that file, following the instructions on the screen and wait until the diagnostics are done.

Running the diagnostics will create a log file in the same folder you ran the tool from, so please share that log with us via using the appropriate forum. If you’re uncomfortable with sharing potentially sensitive data, send it directly to

Sorry for the trouble. Much love from Croteam!