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Unity of Command II Dev Diary – A Seaborne Invasion

Our co-production partners 2×2 Games are steamrolling through milestone objectives list, smashing bugs and shooting down to-do tasks, as Unity of Command II gets ready to invade our PCs later this year.

As always, things start with a daring landing and a brand new Developer Diary detailing all of the mechanics typical for operations of this kind – naval defensive fire, LCVP landing craft ferrying the units involved in the naval assault, and a plane carrying paratroopers.

There’s more, of course, as Tom tries his best to explain Headquarters mechanics, such as command points and HQ branches. If it sounds complicated, no need to worry, it’s just one of those things that you pick up on your way to the front line. Provided you survive.

Check out the full dev-diary by following the link below:

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Unity of Command II progress update – AI and Airpower

Despite the team being hard at work to provide fans with yet another brilliant strategy game 2×2 Games’ head Tomislav has managed to squeeze out another progress update for the upcoming wargame Unity of Command II. In this one, all eyes are kept on the sky, as it brings forth info on aerial actions including bombings, reconnaissance, and airdrops.

The update also focuses on AI and how it takes into account various different elements like player moves, historical facts and mission objectives. Check out the full update by following the link below.

Follow Unity of Command on Twitter and like it on Facebook. Follow Croteam on Twitter and Instagram, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Oh, and don’t forget to join our ever-growing Croteam family on Discord and Reddit.

SCUM takes hardcore to the next level with Archery

Gamepires always said that things can never get too hardcore. Just ask anyone who tried scratching the surface of the human body in SCUM. They are keeping their high standards with each and every update, and Archery mechanics are no different.

Check out the latest Archery development video below.

And here you thought shooting arrows is as simple as pressing a button.

For all things SCUM visit official game profiles on Facebook and Twitter. Follow Croteam on Twitter and Instagram, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Oh, and don’t forget to join our ever-growing Croteam family on Discord and Reddit.