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SSVR: The Last Hope Gets a Release Date as Lead Designer, Davor Hunski, Recaps Early Access – Part 1

“It was love at first sight,” Hunski says, describing the first time he tried on a VR headset. “I knew I wanted to make a VR game right there and then. Of course, the rest of the team needed convincing and that wasn’t a small task. The technology was new, the install base almost non-existent and it was obvious right from the start that we won’t be making any money from VR games anytime soon.”

Luckily for Hunski (and more importantly, for an ever-growing legion of VR enthusiasts) it never was about money at Croteam. It was about creating awesome games, having fun in the process and doing what we love. So the decision was made and Croteam VR was formed. A small studio inside a studio, staffed with VR aficionados and led by Hunski, went about sending Sam on a planet-hopping, gun-totting adventure that became SSVR: The Last Hope.

“I can’t wait for people to try the finished game next week! It was our first Early Access title and we’re so proud of our small baby duckling turning into a beautiful, giant, bloody, armed-to-the-teeth swan with flaming eyes!” Hunski says, “And our community had no small part in this, it was truly amazing having this kind of positive energy and feedback to help us push on.”

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SSVR: TLH – Get ready to get Serious; The Skills and Power-Ups update is LIVE!

Hello friends and VR lovers. After Arcadia that pushed Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope to the verge of being finished, it’s finally time for Croteam VR to show you the great Skills and Power-Ups system that we have been working on since day one.

For the first time in series history Sam is not limited by his weapon handling skills and is able to annihilate even bigger alien armies thanks to the all new Skills and Power-Ups update.

With this update general Stone gains access to a skill tree that allows him to unlock passive and active abilities which players can buy alongside weapons and ammo in the shop. Skill points are unlocked by completing planets. Higher difficulty levels bring even more points that players can use to set up their skill inventory to better match their play style.

Lay waste on your enemies with tactical orbital lasers and plasma cannons, slow down time, create holographic decoys, release swarms of flying quadcopters, unleash an army of spiders, place minigun turret defenses or simply create giant explosions!

The Skills and Power-Ups update includes options to improve and upgrade weapons by finishing perfect runs. Players can gain one weapon upgrade per difficulty per planet, and unlock even more by playing future content that is yet to come.

What are you waiting for? Jump in and play!

SSVR: The Last Hope – Valtos Update Available on Early Access

SSVR: The Last Hope – Valtos Update Available on Early AccessSerious Sam VR: The Last Hope just got bigger with an all new Valtos Update landing on Early Access. The update features a new planet – Valtos – featuring four different locations/maps including The Swamp, Ancient Breeze, The Old Forest and Green Dream.

Also featured in the Valtos Update are six different enemies including Kalopsy, Siren, Swamp Monster, Air Trooper, Technopolyp and Air Sniper Trooper. After dealing with them Sam will have to fight toe to toe with the Swamp Hive boss, as scary as it is slimy.

To help him in his mission, General Stone’s arsenal got even deadlier with new additions including a bow with piercing/explosive arrows and the deadly Devastator.

Valtos Update also includes many different tweaks, fixes and optimizations such as vastly improved precision for the default sword projectile casting mode and improved shield energy display.

For more information visit Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope on Steam.

SSVR: The Second Encounter is out? Already? Why, yes, it is!

This Tuesday just got Serious. Sam is on fire!

In the immortal words of our beloved publisher: “Chaos incarnate Croteam and professional hype-people Devolver Digital have launched Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter and Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter on HTC Vive and Oculus Rift via Steam.”

Visit South America, ancient Mesopotamia and Medieval Europe, and don’t forget to bring your chainsaw. Actually, bring two: dual-wield your new toys to defeat Mental or use your arsenal in a deathmatch against “flat peasants”!

That’s right, SSVR: TSE will be getting a free Fusion 2017 update, bringing cross-platform co-op and other multiplayer modes (VR vs non-VR) and Steam Workshop support.

SSVR: The Second Encounter is launching with a special 25% discount (until April 11th), but if you already own ANY other Serious Sam VR game there’s an additional 25% discount (stackable) – thank you for supporting Croteam’s VR division!

We truly have the best fans in the world! All four of our Serious Sam VR games landed on the very top of the Steam VR Top Sellers list in no time. Thank you!