“Are they gonna like it…?”
Time flies when you’re having fun – someone said – and (s)he was certainly right, as the past few weeks have been nothing but fun for us! We’ve released Public Test, received very useful comments which helped us iron out all the small bugs and glitches that we just couldn’t have found alone, without your help. So we’d like to thank you all for your feedback and support, and let you know that mere 2 weeks are separating you from release of The Talos Principle.
But even after getting overwhelmingly positive comments on our Public Test, there’s still that little voice in every developer’s head, whispering “Are they gonna like it…?”
The first time I went to play Talos Principle is when the game reached alpha, story was finished and all the puzzles have been set. It took me several days to go through complete game, and I remember having many moments of epiphany (after solving puzzles that have been bothering me), or giggling and grinning while I spent my time in terminals trying to prove what it means to be human… After finishing the initial pass, I was soooo excited, and thought how amazing it was, and how no one outside of the team is gonna believe me, thinking I was biased ’cause I helped develop the game!
Seeing how Ian from GameTrailers spoke about Talos Principle in GameTrailers’s video preview, reminded me a lot of my experience and made me grin once again 🙂
If you still haven’t checked out that video, click on the link below
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