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Croteam | Lea Jandrilovic, Author at Croteam - Page 4 of 8 Croteam

Photogrammetry in Serious Sam 4

Slipper of Sudden Death deals area dmg (poison), stuns enemies and – most importantly – ads insult to injury.

Photogrammetry prototype is coming along nicely: Serious Sam should have a new, mighty and frightening weapon at hand. Or foot.

Check out the video below.

Sam meets Talos Principle

Serious Sam’s Bogus Detour has introduced Jammers into the game which was one of the main tools used in The Talos Principle. Sam has borrowed this cool feature to open doors, disrupt turrets and to activate certain buttons. Check the video below!


Serious Sam 4 cancelled, Serious Sam 5 announced [April Fools]

*** Of course, this was an April Fools’ joke. Serious Sam 4 is still on it’s way and being worked on by our core team. Stay tuned for more info! ***

That’s it, boys and girls, it’s done. We cancelled production of Serious Sam 4. No more Sam 4. Nada. Niente. Instead, we decided to go straight to Serious Sam 5.

Reasons, you might ask?

Well, we were so much under the pressure from our publisher, fans, friends, dentists, lawyers, neighbours and people we occasionally meet in elevator to deliver best Serious Sam game EVER, that we simply realized we couldn’t fill shoes that big and if we want to make a really good game, we need to let it go, and start from a scratch. Too bad, because story that Jonas and Verena wrote was so awesome, it took Sam to two European famous countries where he’s never been before…)

We do have one screenshot from abandoned SS4, but it had to be blurred for security reasons.


Serious Sam 5 will continue where never-released-and-prematurely-ended Serious Sam 4 left off, and it will showcase the power of new and improved Serious Engine 5, which can now render billions of square feet of sand with no noticeable dropout in frames per second.

Here are first three screenshots from the newly-started production of Serious Sam 5. This is the setting we are most comfortable with, we know how to do this properly.

SS5_0 SS5_1 SS5_2

Serious Sam’s Bogus Detour action packed video

Take a look at Serious Sam’s Bogus Detour video created by Swedish indie developer, Crackshell, which shows tons of action!

Since the last update, they have added some new features and have mostly completed the first four levels. They are working really hard to create a first person fully packed adrenaline shooter which will be a new fan favorite.

All we can say is that we will continue to monitor the development progress, as the game is shaping up quite nicely. You can also check the progress at Seriously!




Serious Sam 90% off

Certain titles from Serious Sam Series are on sale right now on Steam. For more info you can check out here.

Offer ends on March 19th for Serious Sam 2 and on March 21st for other Sam titles.
