Steam Winter sale has just started, and all Croteam titles are on sale, with amazing discounts up to 90%! Let your loved ones enjoy Talos Principle and other ‘serious’ games this year! Hit that ***BUY*** button now!!
Steam Winter sale has just started, and all Croteam titles are on sale, with amazing discounts up to 90%! Let your loved ones enjoy Talos Principle and other ‘serious’ games this year! Hit that ***BUY*** button now!!
Well, better late than never…. The music from The Talos Principle is finally available for download at all major digital music outlets. It includes music from Road to Gehenna and contains no Elohim’s speech, so you can meditate to it, if you wish 🙂
Links (more will come soon):
iTunes // Google Play // Spotify // Tidal
We’ve finally started adding some colors to our booth. Remember, only two more days before Reboot INFOGAMER opens it’s door – be sure to secure your ticket!
And now some great news for all you Croteam fans! We will exhibit at this year’s biggest South East European gaming show – Reboot Infogamer – which is happening right here in our home town of Zagreb, next week, starting on Wednesday 11th and lasting for five full days!
We are also building our booth, where you’ll be able to play Serious Sam and The Talos Principle and meet our team in person. Come hang with us, we don’t bite 🙂
Here is a pic of our booth in progress… or better, the ‘blank canvas’ that we’ll transform into cozy place where magic happens, heh heh heh
Muahahahha (insert sinister laugh here)…. All Croteam’s titles, including Serious Sam series and critically acclaimed Talos Principle are on sale right now! Don’t be scared, hit that buy button!
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